Through our auditing options, we propose to evaluate the potential savings of
organizational improvement on your workshop, production line or stand alone
work stations:

* By measuring the assembly time in timing or using predetermined time base,
* By the calculation of the balance loss,
* By simulation of combinations, masked activities, transport reduction ...
We are convinced that the improvement of the working conditions is a function
inseparable from the Industrial Engineering office.

Our firm master the methods of measurement of the European Standards in the
assessment of the pain on work stations.
Training in industrial engineering is our historic job.
Our trainers are available to evaluate and discuss about the most suited training
modules that can meet the need on your next industrialization projects.
Last projects
Last training
In Europe,
Audit on an injection plastic moulding machine.
In cooperation with the Moulding Departement of
our Portuguese customer, we succeed to divide by
4 the time needed for changeover with a final
investment under 30 k USD.

In Asia,
Simulate and optimize each steps of the assembly
process on a new product.
We are not allowed to talk about the results.

In Europe,
Training session in assembly time measurement and
balance loss reduction with a group of 6 Industrial
Engineers of a French Automotive OEM during 5
days. Now, they know how to simulate, calculate
and optimize the Labour Time in respect to the
Universal rules of time calculation.
Industrial Engineering Experts
Training, Consulting & Audits
Lean Manufacturing & Ergonomics
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